The Six Pillars

of the 10th element

Plant Based Eating

We introduce youth and their parents to people and businesses that are either preparing plant-based food or are manufacturing, distributing, and selling organic products in their area. We teach the importance of plant-based eating for our health and for the environment. We share how to cook and prepare plant-based recipes; where food comes from; how it is processed, marketed and distributed into their community.

Organic Gardening

We teach youth to grow food at Cherry ST. Farm. We encourage people to get excited about gardening and learn about growing food in a variety of environments. We offer tips and resources for starting and maintaining an urban farm, including information on water, soil, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.


Our fitness program promotes physical fitness as essential for overall health and well-being. We offer resources and support for people looking to improve their physical fitness and knowledge of their bodies.

Sobriety & Mental Health

We support people struggling with addiction and work to promote sobriety in Hip Hop culture. We provide resources and referral to licensed professionals for drug and alcohol treatment, as well as sharing our own personal experiences with addiction and sobriety.


We invite you to learn more about Hip Hop is Green’s mission to promote health and wellness in hip hop culture through the 10th Element of Hip Hop proclamation. You can also learn more by attending events like the 10th Element Symposiums and Hip Hop is Green Dinners — and by exploring resources on our website. Your interest and engagement in the 10th Element of Hip Hop helps support Hip Hop is Green’s efforts to create positive change in communities through education and activism. Join this movement with us.

Learn more about Hip Hop is Green’s mission to promote health and wellness in hip hop culture through the 10th Element of Hip Hop. Your interest and engagement in the 10th Element of Hip Hop helps support Hip Hop is Green’s efforts to create positive change in communities through education and activism. Join this movement with us.

Food Justice

We believe that everyone has the right to healthy food, and work to educate and advocate for policy changes that increase access to healthy food in schools and communities. We also advocate for farmers and local growers, in addition, we support projects and meetings to inform the community about food justice issues.

Animal Rights Activism

Hip Hop is Green advocates for the ending factory farms and the murder of millions of animals and sea creatures for food consumption.  And did you know that factory farming is the number one cause of climate change? This agriculture industry factory farm system creates dead zones in the oceans and tears down millions of acres of rainforest. 
 Each year many species of animals become extinct and millions of fish are slaughtered each day.